A phonesex mind fuck for nanny’s special one!

Good babies get fed, bad babies get spanked, it’s very simple, just like you! Are you a good Adult baby who will get to suckle on mistress nanny’s nipples feeling the soft comfort of breast caressing your weary head making you feel safe and nurtured. Feel nannies palm caressing your growing winkie until you make a naughty nasty mess. Have you been a naughty baby who will get put over mistress nanny’s knee and have your little cute  botty spanked! Don’t worry she’ll kiss babies botty better and powder it! Toying with your mind you won’t know whether to feel safe and comforted or fearful at every moment. Mistress Nanny loves to play mind games and you’ll be in for a roller coaster ride of psychological games that will push you to the edge of perverse pleasure

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